If you want to understand (as much as possible) how the
white privileged mind works take a look at the SAE and Senate letter to Iran
incidents. In the case of SAE, members and supporters have defaulted to
"lets blame the black guy" mode. The black guys(s) in this case are
rappers. Rappers and rap music, not racism and hatred, are to blame for the
racist tirade on the bus and their "house mother's" racist party
rant. Don't believe me? Click here
In the case of the Senate, they're playing the same game,
but the black guy isn't a rapper, he's
the President. The 47 traitors and their supporters are actually blamingPresident Obama for the letter they wrote and the protocol they broke.
None of them are taking responsibility for their own
actions. None of them have expressed any real remorse. The SAE members are
certainly sorry they got caught but
remorseful people don't look for scapegoats or make excuses. The 47 Senators
not only aren't sorry, they're doubling down on their treasonous position and are blaming the President for their actions.
Interestingly enough, this is the same privileged mind that
demands that black people take personal responsibility for their actions. The
same mind that blamed Michael Brown, Trayvon Martin, John Crawford, Eric
Garner, Tamir Rice et al for their own deaths by insisting that if they had
just obeyed the law (what they really mean is if they'd stayed in their place),
they'd still be alive. But in the white privileged way of thinking, taking
personal responsibility is really only the responsibility of non white people.
White people get to place blame everywhere from rap music to the Oval Office.
If the stakes weren't so high I'd laugh at the hypocrisy.
But there's nothing funny about frat boys invoking the lynching tree while
shouting nigger at the top of their lungs. There's nothing funny about members
of Congress undermining the office of the Commander-in-Chief and then blaming
him for their treasonous dysfunction. And unfortunately, these two incidents
aren't even the most extreme instances of racism we've seen over the past week.
There's a little DOJ report that makes SAE and the Senate look mild by
Except that at one point in time the folks running Ferguson were
probably "innocent", youthfully exuberant frat boys too. Because after
all, Ferguson-like racism takes a while to marinate. You don't get Fergusoned
over night. But eventually, white racist frat boys grow up and become white racist
judges, police offers, town managers, city councilmen, and senators. And nobody
holds them accountable because nobody really believes it’s their fault. Especially when there’s a black guy (or girl) they can blame.